Secretariat launches project support

Published on 14.05.2019
Photo: Pixabay (seagul)

European Commission initiative launches support for clean energy projects on EU islands

Press Alert

Islands can now apply for assistance from the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat to advance the development of individual renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in their local community.


Stockholm, 14 May 2019 – Today, on behalf of the European Commission, the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat has launched a support mechanism for islands wishing to develop concrete clean energy transition projects. Until the end of June, EU islands will be able apply for assistance from the Secretariat to advance the development of individual renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in their local community. This support will be provided and completed by June 2020. The project call was launched at the 3rd Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum, where island stakeholders and EU representatives are meeting to discuss transition models and discover key technologies for islands.

For islands that are only starting to explore a particular project idea, the Secretariat can carry out pre-feasibility studies for renewable energy projects and energy efficiency projects. For projects with a more advanced status, the Secretariat can support islands with the technical and financial due diligence of the project.

Inspiring others by showing commitment

In the context of the 3rd Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum in Stockholm and Mariehamn, the initiative further launched a pledge to support the clean energy transition on islands. By signing this pledge and publicly stating their commitment to a clean energy transition driven by the local community, islands officially become part of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative.

26 islands and archipelagos have already joined the initiative. In the coming months, the Secretariat will launch an online community to help islands connect and exchange with each other and external experts to advance their clean energy transition.


Notes to the Editor

About the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative

As part of the EU’s Clean Energy for All Europeans package, the EU's Clean Energy for EU Islands initiative provides a long term framework to help islands generate their own sustainable, low-cost energy. The Clean Energy for EU Islands initiative was launched in May 2017 in Malta, when the European Commission and 14 EU countries (Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden) signed a Political Declaration.

About the Secretariat

The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat provides comprehensive guidance to islands on how to kick-start and advance their clean energy transition in the form of stakeholder engagement methodology, support in the preparation of transition agendas, capacity-building, technical support on developing projects and financial plans as well as networking and community-building opportunities.

Press contactMyriam Castanié,, +32 484 12 38 40