As part of the EU Islands Initiative's energy transition workshop, the Secretariat and the Spanish Institute for Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) are organising an online workshop on 3 November.
Workshop recording
13h00-13h15 Welcome
- Pau de Vilchez (Clean Energy for EU Islands)
- Víctor Marcos (IDAE)
13h15-13h30 "The Energy Transition of the Islands in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan and in the Hydrogen Storage and Production Strategies".
- Rose. M. Mingo (Demand Management and Network Integration of Renewables Department. IDAE)
13h30-13h45 "Actions of the IDAE in the Energy Transition of the Islands and proposals for the future"
- Luis García (Head of the Demand Management and Integration of Renewables in the Network Department. IDAE)
13h45-14h00 Open time for questions
This content has been published by Webinar: The energy transition of the Spanish islands . The publishing entity is responsible for the contents. The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat may provide quality support to the English language version of this post.