Webinar: The energy transition of the Spanish islands

03.11.2020 13:00
- 14:00

IDAE / EU Islands Secretariat

As part of the EU Islands Initiative's energy transition workshop, the Secretariat and the Spanish Institute for Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) are organising an online workshop on 3 November.


Workshop recording


13h00-13h15   Welcome

  • Pau de Vilchez (Clean Energy for EU Islands)
  • Víctor Marcos (IDAE)

13h15-13h30   "The Energy Transition of the Islands in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan and in the Hydrogen Storage and Production Strategies".

  • Rose. M. Mingo (Demand Management and Network Integration of Renewables Department. IDAE)

13h30-13h45   "Actions of the IDAE in the Energy Transition of the Islands and proposals for the future"

  • Luis García (Head of the Demand Management and Integration of Renewables in the Network Department. IDAE)

13h45-14h00   Open time for questions


Visit the website of the IDAE >>


This content has been published by Webinar: The energy transition of the Spanish islands . The publishing entity is responsible for the contents. The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat may provide quality support to the English language version of this post.