Webinar: What does the Clean Energy Package bring to islands?

19.03.2020 15:00
- 16:00

Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat
Image: Pixabay (GDJ Photos)

Although the recognition of citizen participation in the energy market in EU legislation through the new Clean Energy Package is still a recent concept, energy communities have been active in a number of EU countries for several decades now. This new legislation offers important opportunities to island communities wishing to transition to clean energy.

Energy cooperatives have a significant role to play in the clean energy transition and in strengthening local economies. Yet, to succeed, citizen and renewable energy communities will need their governments to adopt a supportive legal framework with a set of minimum rules that ensure they can participate across the energy system on a level playing field with larger commercial players.

This webinar will feature the experiences from two energy cooperatives who have been active in their respective countries for a long time, and highlight how energy communities can work in practice, on islands and on the mainland. 


  • Dimitris Kitsikopoulos, ELECTRA cooperative, Greece
  • Siward Zomer, Energie Samen, Netherlands
  • Dirk Vansintjan, REScoop.eu, Belgium

Video recording




Ecopower (Belgium)


Energie Samen (Netherlands)


Elektra (Greece)



This content has been published by Webinar: What does the Clean Energy Package bring to islands? . The publishing entity is responsible for the contents. The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat may provide quality support to the English language version of this post.