Secretariat visits pilot community "Culatra 2030"

Published on 01.04.2019
Culatra visit
Secretariat visit to Culatra (Photo: University of Algarve)

Last week, the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat visited the Faro region and pilot island Culatra to kick off the Secretariat's pilot island activities. As part of the 26 islands selected for support by the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, stakeholders on Culatra island will be working together to develop an island-wide transition agenda. 

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the University of Algarve, the Association of Residents of Culatra Island, the Coordination Commission for the Algarve Region, Faro Municipality and the EU Island Secretariat to set forth a common understanding of the collaboration. The ceremony, which took place on the 26th of March in the Coordination Commission for the Algarve Region, was attended by a wide range of stakeholders from local businesses and industry, academia, public authorities and community organisations. It was followed by an open consultation to evaluate barriers and opportunities on the island related to clean energy.

Culatra (Photo: University of Algarve)

The second part of the visit took place on the island of Culatra itself, during which representatives of the Secretariat assessed the energy situation and held interviews with the local community. The Secretariat visited the elementary school, the community centre and the island's resident association in the town of Culatra. Members of the resident association explained the island's history and described the ongoing development process on the island. The Secretariat further visited the island's other communities, Farol and Hangares.

The collaboration between Culatra and the Secretariat is part of a larger initiative called Culatra 2030, which aims to create a pilot community in renewable energies on Culatra Island.

To find out more about Culatra's clean energy transition, follow the island's story here!