Project for energy innovation on EU islands kicks off in Brussels

Published on 15.04.2019
insulae kick-off group
INSULAE kick-off group (Photo: REA Kvarner)

11 April marked the kick-off for the H2020 project INSULAE. The project aims at maximising the impact of innovative energy approaches on EU islands, with the ultimate objective to drive decarbonisation and improve life on these islands. INSULAE includes 27 partners and a total budget of more than 12mio. euros.

Project activities will be directed to the islands of the Unije (Croatia), Bornholm (Denmark) and Madeira (Portugal). The results of the pilot activities carried out there will be used to transfer knowledge and develop action plans of the islands of Menorca (Spain), Norderney (Germany), Psar (Greece) and Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). Coordinator of the four-year project is the Research Center for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE, Spain).

The project includes the island of Unije in the Cres-Lošinj archipelago, which forms part of the islands selected for support by the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat. 

Source: REA Kvarner, Croatia