Clean energy for EU islands Newsletter October Edition

Published on 04.11.2021
Clean energy for EU islands Newsletter October

The Clean energy for EU islands newsletter October edition is now available online. This newsletter is published every two months and includes exciting information on islands' clean energy activities, news from the secretariat, events, and inspiring island projects. 

This month, we announced the winners of our first Call for Postcards "Greetings from the Islands". The winning pictures and more information about the call can be found here. The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat participated in the EU Week of Regions and Cities and held another Energy Academy. The Energy Academy Croatia edition discussed Croatia's policies on renewable energy, EU regulations, and showing best practices. 

Also read about news from the islands Samsø and Chios and learn about the Ecosystemic Transition Uni that was developed by the Interreg MED Renewable Energy community.

What else? Our technical team has worked hard on the Technical solution booklet, which gives you a perfect overview of all energy technologies suitable for islands, their pros and cons, and examples from islands that implemented them. 

Last but not least, the legal team has finalised its questionnaires to explore the legal and regulatory barriers and opportunities concerning the energy transition on EU islands. Please take a moment to fill in our survey, here.


Click here to download a PDF version of the newsletter.

Click here to read the newsletter online. 

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