Energy Transition is one of the highest priorities of the Islands Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions and its presidency, held by the Balearic Islands. In particular, the IC promotes the role of islands in fulfilling the objectives set by the EU Green Deal, as pioneer territories to the development of innovative technologies. This past year, the CPMR Islands Commission was happy to anchor its collaboration with the 2nd phase of the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat as a member of its Advisory Committee.
The main activities of the Islands Commission for the clean energy transition in 2021 include:
- Being partner in the Horizon 2020, MAESHA project, aiming at decarbonising the energy systems of Mayotte, with replicability in 5 other EU islands, by fostering the deployment of renewable energy systems through the installation of tailored innovative flexibility services based on a close case study and modelling of local energy systems and communities. The project just celebrated its 1-year anniversary and will last until 2024.
- Emphasis on Marine Renewable Energy and Smart Grids. The IC has collaborated with the development agency of Pays de la Loire Region (FR), pioneer in MRE, for a dedicated webinar on opportunities for islands, that gave way to the international forum on offshore energy, SEANERGY, last September, where a delegation from Balearic Islands represented the IC to discuss innovative technologies and implementation in islands.
- Hydrogen at the front row of the energy transition agenda. The IC continued its collaboration with FCH-JU and took part in the Green Hysland project, EU coalition for the development of Hydrogen in islands.
- The IC will be assisting ECORYS to implement the DG REGIO programme of exchanges on best practices and solutions to common challenges for climate change adaptation in Outermost Regions and their neighbouring countries up to mi-2023.
- More recently, on 9th December, the Islands Commission co-organized an online event on “Shaping the Best Competitive Ports in EU Islands” with the CPMR Atlantic Commission and the Atlantic Smart Ports – Blue Acceleration Network. This event allowed the participants to exchange on the challenges of diversification of ports services and on the modernisation of ports infrastructures in islands, with reactions from the European Institutions and best practices from representatives of the Islands Commission members spread in 5 sea basins.
The Islands Commission will continue to cooperate closely with the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat and to foster synergies with its members to ensure a successful and efficient green transition in islands.