Launch of Second Call for Technical Assistance - Check out Our New Website

Published on 09.02.2022
Technical Assistance

The Clean energy for EU islands initiative has moved to a new website, please check this link for all information on the Call for Technical Assistance.

The Clean energy for EU islands Secretariat is launching its second Call for Assistance this 23 February, calling EU islands to apply for technical support for their projects. Twenty spots are open.

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat continues to offer support to European islands to further advance in their clean energy transition. From formulating strategic energy transition plans to grid integration studies, regulatory analysis, or help finding financing for concrete projects: this technical support aims to bring solutions to all European islands tailored to whichever phase of the transition they are in. 

The first call was launched in March 2021, and we are proud for having supported twenty islands in advancing their clean energy transition. The secretariat is now launching a second Call for Technical Assistance this February, with twenty more spots available. Islands are first invited to use a self-assessment tool to refine the type of support they need and then apply by filling out an online form that includes a description of the requested support services, the expected impact of the project and the stakeholder team that takes responsibility. A webinar will be organised on 3 March at 11h CET to present relevant examples from the first call and the details of the second call.

Islands are welcome to submit questions regarding the provided support and the application process to

The deadline for submitting applications for this second call is 23 March 2022 at 23:59 CET.


In addition, the Secretariat’s regional partners will be available throughout the application process to explain the application process to the island stakeholders in their local language.