6th Cretan Energy Conference & Exhibition

01.07.2022 09:00
- 03.07.2022 17:00

Cretan Energy Conferences

The IEEG Expo and Conference will be inaugurated by the Greek Government. The conference includes speakers and exhibitors from Greece, Israel, Egypt, the European Commission, as well as the United States among others. High-ranking policy-makers, statesmen, lobbyists and business people and academics from Greece and abroad register to the Conference and IEEG Expo.

About the conference: Ministries, authorities, regulators, distinguished companies and high profile speakers (Gold and Platinum sponsorships) will be participating in this main presentation session. Each presentation lasts up to 15 minutes.

About the workshop: Exhibitors (companies), Academia and Research Institutes will be presenting their area of expertise and achievements during the workshop, an area located in the exhibition place. Each presentation lasts up to 10 minutes.


For more information, visit this link.


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