Clean Energy Transition webinars for EU islands

Published on 28.02.2020
Image: Pixabay (photosforyou)

The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat is organising a series of webinars around clean energy transition topics between September 2019 and May 2020. The aim of these webinars is to build capacity in the EU islands community to advance the development of clean energy transition projects and planning.

A preliminary schedule is available below, more information on the different webinars as well as the exact dates will follow soon.


September 2019
Horizon 2020 and Project Development (19 September 2020)

October/November 2019
Transition Management (29 October 2019)
Clean Energy for EU Islands & Covenant of Mayors (13 November 2019)

December 2019
How can local community engagement accelerate the energy transition? (10 December 2019)

January 2020
Sustainable transport solutions for EU islands (23 January 2020)

February 2020
Renewable energy on islands: electricity storage and integration challenges (10 February 2020)
How can decision-makers create a favorable legal context for their islands? (27 February 2020)

March 2020
What does the Clean Energy Package bring to islands? (19 March 2020)
Energy efficiency in buildings, heating & cooling (31 March 2020)

April 2020
Developing a renewable energy project: challenges and good practices (16 April 2020)
How can islands mobilise funding for their energy transition? (6 May 2020)

May 2020
The role of schools in changing behaviour (19 May 2020)