Join our next webinar to learn about the Clean energy for EU islands Marketplace, a platform that will connect island clean energy projects seeking for financial support with investors and technology providers.
During the webinar, Jorge Rodrigues de Almeida (the Islands secretariat Finance lead) will introduce the Islands Marketplace concept and explain how islands can submit their projects and how the matchmaking with potential investors will take place. This will be followed by the contribution of Isabel Rayo from SUMA Capital who will provide their viewpoints, tips and insights into the requirements for projects to be financed.
Island stakeholders will be invited to submit their investment projects from end September 2021. The Islands secretariat marketplace team will facilitate the matchmaking between ongoing projects and financial institutions and technology providers to discuss the details and financing of the project. This webinar will clarify how the entire Marketplace will be organised and give hints to ensure that project applications are attractive and successful.
For more information on the EU Islands Marketplace, please read this news item: https://euislands.eu/node/1000
For a written summary, click here.
Watch the recording below
This content has been published by Steinbeis 2i GmbH . The publishing entity is responsible for the contents. The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat may provide quality support to the English language version of this post.