Webinar: Clean Energy For EU Islands & Covenant of Mayors

13.11.2019 11:00
- 12:00

Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat
Covenant & Islands

This webinar will be building on the previous session on Transition Management organised by the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat (see our overview of webinars). It will zoom in on the clean energy aspects of Transition Management and the opportunity for pushing the Clean Energy Transition on islands. 

The webinar will further focus on how this background fits in with the Covenant of Mayors (which is also hosting the Pact of Islands signatories) concept, support and requirements. The Clean Energy Transition Agendas have been designed to make use of the vast experiences, knowledge and support collected by the Covenant of Mayors. 





Joint Sustainable Energy
and Climate Plans


Clean Energy Transition Agenda & 
the Covenant of Mayors


Pact of Islands monitoring tools





This content has been published by Webinar: Clean Energy For EU Islands & Covenant of Mayors . The publishing entity is responsible for the contents. The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat may provide quality support to the English language version of this post.