Last week, members from the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat visited Sicily and pilot island Salina to establish and strengthen their contacts in the region. During the visit, they met representatives from the three supported Sicilian islands: Favignana, Salina and Pantelleria.
On Monday, after a meeting with the regional counselor for energy and public utility services in Palermo, the Secretariat reached pilot island Salina by hydrofoil. They met with the mayors of the three municipalities, and a plenary session was organised where the Initiative was presented to the community.
During the visit, the Secretariat had individual meetings with island's intercommunal transport company, the hotel owners association and several agricultural producers. Besides a unanimous commitment through the Covenant of Mayors by Salina's three municipalities, several projects on the clean energy transition are ongoing, such as the introduction of electric mobility and the installation of residential solar PV systems through a group purchase.
The Secretariat supports Salina to develop an island-wide energy vision and is convinced that this can serve as an example for other islands in the Sicily region.
Learn more about the clean energy transition on Italian and other EU islands here...