Menorca joins Covenant of Mayors

Published on 27.05.2019
Photo: Pixabay (Cervusvir)

The island of Menorca recently became a signatory to the Covenant of Mayors, an initiative that commits thousands of local governments around the world to take on a common agenda of objectives and actions for accelerating the decarbonisation of their territories, mitigating climate change and adapting to the changes that are already unavoidable. Menorca's membership was announced after the plenary of the Council, which approved it last Monday.

Menorca joins the more than 200 territorial coordinators of this pact between local authorities, and commits to providing strategic advice and technical and economic support to municipalities of the island to develop their energy transition agenda.

Among the main goals of the agreement is to meet the objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the EU and guarantee access to safe, sustainable and affordable energy through energy efficiency measures and increased use of renewable energy sources. The actions that Menorca sets in motion in order to achieve this objective will have to be reflected in a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), a document that will translate the political commitment of the island into measures and practical projects, and that must be prepared before two years after joining.

For more information (in Catalan), see here >>