Island Guide to clean energy transition research

Published on 04.06.2019

This document provides an overview of open-access research relevant to the clean energy transition, with a specific focus on islands. Highlighting a number of technologies and transition approaches to advance the transition on islands, this guide aims to provide island communities and transition leaders with resources that contain information about the necessity of the clean energy transition, and show how it can be done in a way that benefits the local community,  economy, and environment. It includes step-by-step guides for starting and advancing a clean energy transition where local actors – including local authorities, citizens, businesses and  academia – play a central role and co-design the future of their own island.

In addition to the relevant open-access resources, this document includes some relevant subscription-based research, as well as an open-source research portal, for further reading.

Download the guide here

This guide is one of several publications by the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat  to support islands in their clean energy transition.