EU Islands Newsletter, April 2020

Published on 28.04.2020
Image: Pixabay

Dear EU Islands Community,

We hope you and your loved ones have been keeping well over the past few weeks.

With two new webinars on our agenda, we wanted to use this newsletter to share with you some further updates, such as our updated guide on regulations and policies for EU islands, and some news and events from partners of the islands community.

Keep safe and take good care of yourselves! 
Kind regards from the
Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat

Your feedback is important to us - please don't hesitate to get in touch with suggestions and questions through .
Webinar: How can islands mobilise finance for their energy transition?
Despite the great renewable energy potential and the availability of the financial sector to deliver the necessary resources, few islands manage to transform their ambitions into bankable renewable energy projects. To help overcome the gap between the planning and implementation of renewable energy projects on islands, this webinar on 6 May will focus on the topic of financing. 
Register here
Webinar: How can education and schools support the energy transition?
Many islands have asked for inspiration and recommendations on how to involve schools and the younger generations in the energy transition. The speakers in this webinar on 19 May will respond to exactly this question, sharing their experiences on renewable energy and energy efficiency projects with schools, as well as education activities for students and their communities.
Register here
Watch our previous webinars here
Updated Summary of EU policy & regulations for islands
This document serves as a short introduction to the National and European policy and regulations on energy relevant for the Clean Energy for EU islands initiative. The text can be copied directly into the Clean Energy Transition Agenda or used as a starting point to write a more island specific National and European policy and regulations section.

Download the document here >>
Join the EU Islands Community!
More islands and supporting organisations have joined the EU Islands Initiative over the last few months, and the community keeps growing. If you're an island community looking for support from expert organisations, or an organisation looking to share your expertise to help advance the energy transition on EU islands, the Secretariat will be delighted to help you get on board. All the information for joining the initiative is available here >>
Webinar: RESponsible Island Prize
The RESponsible island prize aims to award islands with innovative and sustainable local renewable energy production for use in electricity, heating, cooling and transport. The three winners will receive a cash prize of €500,000, €250,000 and €100,000 from the European Commission, respectively. On 7 May, the European Commission is organising a webinar to inform islands about the application procedure for the funding year of 2020.
Register here
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