Clean energy for EU islands Newsletter August Edition

Published on 30.08.2021
August Newsletter

The Clean energy for EU islands newsletter August edition is now available online. It is published every two months and includes exciting information on islands' clean energy activities, news from the secretariat, events, and inspiring island projects. 

This month, the Islands Marketplace is introduced together with a webinar on September 15 as well as the second Energy Academy Croatia Edition, which takes place in October. The Energy Academy will be entirely held in Croatian, discussing Croatia's policies on renewable energy, EU regulations, and showing best practices. 

Also read about the winner of the EU RESponsible Island Prize 2021 and what the BaoBaB project is about. Find news from the H2020 project ISLANDER. ISLANDER started in October 2020 and goes one step further, paving the way for the full decarbonisation of EU islands' energy systems by demonstrating smart grid solutions combining renewable energy production with storage technologies in real‐life settings.

The newsletter also informs about new platforms helpful for islands in the energy transition and includes clean energy events happening in September and October. Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to read part two of the Clean energy for EU islands comic series. 


Click here to download a PDF version of the newsletter.

Click here to read the newsletter online. 

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