New Greek Guide: Building Energy Communities

Published on 04.10.2019
© Heinrich Boell Stiftung

Τhe  publishing  of  the  “Building  Energy Communities in Greece” guidebook coincides with a time when the community energy movement in Greece appears to be on the rise, especially after the adoption of Law 4513, in January 2018. The new legal framework aspires to combine Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and the energy sector and introduces a new type of civil cooperative of exclusive  purpose,  the  Energy  Community(EC).  ECs  constitute  an  important  tool  for achieving fair energy transition in the country, since renewable energy and energy savings offer, as well as, require a geographic dispersion of investments and the involvement of the many, in order for the proper exploitation of the former. ECs  are  confronted  with  multiple  challenges. This new guide clarifies the framework in which ECs operate, their role in a fair energy transition  while  providing  both  theoretical and practical information for their development.

Download the guide here (in Greek)