Government of the Balearic islands creates the Balearics Institute for Energy

Published on 14.10.2019
© Consell de Govern (Balearic Islands)

The Governing Council of the Balearic Islands has approved the creation of the Balearics Institute for Energy (IBE). The IBE is, in short, a fundamental part of achieving the objectives set out in the Law on climate change and energy transition. It will make it possible for renewable energy to reach where the market does not reach. It will do it, for example, with the promotion of facilities with citizen participation or the roofs and roofs of the buildings.

The creation of this institute was included in the law on climate change and energy transition 10/2019 from February 22.

Indeed, the IBE is one of the driving forces behind the change of the energy model in the Balearic Islands. In this sense, the Balearic Energy Institute was born with the purpose of promoting and executing actions in the field of efficiency, management, energy saving and renewable energies. It will also be responsible for the marketing of energy, the development of studies and the analysis of climate change and energy transition. It is the responsibility of the IBE, in addition, to promote the public energy initiative in all the institutional areas.

Among its main functions:

  • Establish and manage programs of subsidies and lines of public aid.
  • Encourage the democratization of energy among citizens.
  • Open energy projects to citizen participation.
  • Promote information and awareness campaigns.
  • Encourage research, development, training and reorientation professionals in energy matters.
  • Promote and manage renewable energy production systems, storage or energy management systems and recharging systems for electric vehicles in the territory of the Balearic Islands

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