Kassos continues its course towards the energy transition

Published on 24.09.2020
© Kassos Municipality

On 17 September, the Municipality of Kassos (also known as "the heroic island of Kassos" following a Parliament decision in 1824 to honour a tragedy that happened on the island), together with the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat and KASIOS COINSEP, co-organized a meeting in the courtyard of Kassos High School (in line with the health & safety regulations relating to COVID 19).

The purpose of this day to inform the island's inhabitants about the development of actions towards the energy transition of Kassos.

Photo: Kassos Municipality

The programme was kicked off with speeches by Mr Michalis Erotokritos, Mayor of Iroiki and Kassos, President of KASIOS COINSEP Mina Malandris, Professor Dimitris Katsaprakakis from the Hellenic Mediterranean University, and Ioannis Gyllis, Founding Member of the Sifnos Energy Cooperative.

Following an introduction of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, the programme moved on to share experiences from the Sifnos Cooperative's 7-year-journey towards a clean energy transition, followed by a presentation on the role of energy communities for sustainable economic and social development.

The presentations were followed by active discussions with the participants, who all showed a great interest in and concern for the island's energy transition.

Further information days are planned for Greek islands over the coming weeks (depending on how the pandemic evolves).