NESOI launches first open call: Over 3 million Euros available to support islands

Published on 13.10.2020
© NESOI - European Islands Facility

From the NESOI website:

A key challenge for local authorities and legal private entities on islands is to transform their overall long-term ambitions into a credible set of plans and project outlines as many do not have the expertise to concretely launch investments, access finance and kick-start their projects. For this reason, the European Islands Facility NESOI aims to support successful energy transition projects on EU islands, mobilising more than €100m of investment and significantly reducing CO2 and GHG emissions through a hands-on approach allowing local authorities and legal private entities to get the necessary technical and financial capacity for the effective implementation of islands’ energy transition plans.

A non-exhaustive list of potential eligible projects under NESOI include the development of: low carbon vehicles, retrofitting of buildings, co-generation plants, electricity generation and distribution, energy storage, deployment of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, industrial heat production, electricity production from renewable energy sources and more.

The total EU funding available for the call for proposal is 3,120,000€ with amaximum grant amount per proposal/beneficiary of 60,000 EUR grant. In addition to this, 60,000 EUR worth of Technical Assistance will be provided directly by the NESOI experts team.

The first NESOI open call closes on 18 December 2020! For more information on how to apply visit the “Open Calls” section on the NESOI website!

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