Video Call: Views from the Islands

Published on 19.04.2021
Call for Videos

With a call for videos, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is asking island communities to share videos of their clean energy transition and ambition! Our aim is to bring your inspiring stories to life in our upcoming EU island forum (20 & 21 May).

This year, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is publishing a call for videos, offering island communities the opportunity to broadcast their clean energy needs and ambitions to high-level European decision makers. Tell and show us how your island embraces renewable energy and energy efficiency, creating jobs and economic growth, and how the EU can help your island’s clean energy transition.

The submitted videos will be assessed by the secretariat and a selection made for the presentation during the EU island forum 20 & 21 May. The videos will further, gain publicity by being published on the Clean energy for EU island website and the respective YouTube channel.

The deadline for the submission is set for 15 May. Please note that we are happy to receive self-produced videos and we are also happy to receive videos that have been produced for another purpose as long as they follow the content guidance below.

Video Production & Content Guidance:

  1. Clearly state organisation name & contact person
  1. Please note that your video does not have to be long (2-3 minutes) or professionally made, we are interested in your proposal (self-production is very welcome)
  1. The video should answer one or more of the following questions:
  • Which clean energy projects are ongoing on your island and how are they helping to energise your island community?
  • What is your island’s clean energy vision? Which technologies do you want to see implemented on your island?
  • How can the EU help your clean energy transition? Which message do you want to bring to an EU-wide audience?

Your video is to be submitted to