Recordings of Clean energy for EU islands forum are available

Published on 04.06.2021
Clean energy for EU islands forum

This year’s Clean energy for EU islands forum took place on May 20 - 21. The event was a great success with around 270 participants and more than 50 speakers. Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, held an intriguing opening speech on the first day.

On this page, you can find the recordings of all sessions, discussions and panels of the forum.

Click here for a detailed written summary. 


Day 1, 20 May 2021

Welcome to the Clean energy for EU islands forum

Kadri Simson - European Commissioner for Energy, European Commission

“The clean energy transition and our climate ambitions are not about stripping away our way of life. They are about evolving towards a new one. I don’t see it as a challenge to overcome, but an opportunity to be seized.  And I hope that all of you can see and embrace those opportunities for your islands.” - Kadri Simson

Read the Commissioner's speech here



Tonino Picula - Chair of the SEArica intergroup, European Parliament



Watch all the submitted videos of our call "Views of the islands" here.


Clean Energy for EU islands secretariat

Jan Cornillie – Project director, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E)

Click here to open the presentation


Panel discussion Setting the agenda for clean energy transition on European islands

Moderation: Jan Cornillie - Project director, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E)

Paula Pinho - Director for Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation, DG ENER, European Commission

Markku Markkula - Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), Chair of the Espoo City Board, President of Helsinki Region

Giuseppe Sciacca - Executive Secretary of the CPMR Islands Commission

Marino Mlacović - Head of Fleet Development Department, Jadrolinija

Maša Zbunjak - Head of Legal Department., Jadrolinija



Enabling financing and funding for island energy transition Memorandum of Split: ongoing activities and next steps

Edita Dranseikaite - Coordinator of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative, DG ENER, European Commission

Kristina Čelić - Director General, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy of Croatia



Expert lecture ACT Get involved: Matchmaking & Marketplace

Moderation: Jorge Rodrigues de Almeida – Financial lead, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (RdA)

Miquel Garcia Edo - Junior Project Engineer, Energy Transition Department, Insular Council of Menorca / Biosphere Reserve Agency

Carlos Sanchez - Senior Associate, Smart Cities Infrastructure Fund, Whitehelm Capital

Georg Houben - Coordinator of the Smart Cities Marketplace, DG ENER, European Commission



Community-driven energy transition in islands. Three successful examples.

Moderation: Pau de Vilchez Moragues - Deputy director of LINCC UIB - Lecturer in International Law, University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) - Interdisciplinary Lab on Climate Change (LINCC)

Henrik Micski – Development manager, Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Nuria Albet Torres - Coordinator, La Palma Renovable

Riccardo Novo - PhD Candidate, Politecnico di Torino / MOREnergy Lab

Claudio Moscoloni - Research Fellow, Politecnico di Torino / MOREnergy Lab


Wrap-up / Key Lessons Learned


Day 2 - Action Day, 21 May 2021

Welcome to the ACTION Day

Welcome, intro of the new consortium and progress from the islands

Simon De Clercq - Coordinator, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E)


EXPLORE: Islands in Action Session History on Transition Agenda Cres

Moderation: Ugo Toić – Director, OTRA

Tina Gams-Fučić - Quality manager; Cresanka d.d. - Camping Kovačine

Katarina Golubović - Project manager, Mali Lošinj Tourist Board

Maja Jurišić – Project Manager, Islands Movement

Tanja Kremenić - PhD Candidate, University of Padova

Franjo Toić – Manager, Energy cooperative "Apsyrtides"


EXPLORE: Site visit | Samsø, Denmark

Welcome to Samsø - Best practice & live reporting

Alexis Chatzimpiros – Project manager, Samsø Energy Academy

Søren Hermansen – Director, Samsø Energy Academy


Site visit talk

 Moderation: Marina Montero Carrero – Technical lead, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E)

Alexis Chatzimpiros – Project manager, Samsø Energy Academy

Søren Hermansen – Director, Samsø Energy Academy

Ugo Toić – Director, OTRA

John Walsh - Chairman of the European Small Islands Federation (ESIN)


Session SHAPE

Technical assistance for EU islands - Including the announcement of the results and key findings of the secretariat’s 1st call for technical assistance

Marina Montero Carrero – Technical lead, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E)

Andrea Martinez - Project Coordinator, NESOI (Sinloc)


Workshop ACT

Project pitch: islands present their projects

Moderation: Simon De Clercq - Coordinator, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E) Project board

Catalina Spataru - Professor of Global Energy and Resources and Head of Islands Laboratory, University College London

Antonia Proka – Project manager,

Jorge Rodrigues de Almeida – Financial lead, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (RdA)


Project 1: Wave to energy project in Saint-Philippe, La Réunion. Fanny Sauvignon - Business Development Manager, INGINE

Project 2: Electrical storage system in Pantelleria, Italy. Juan-Sebastian Alvarez Rincon - Senior R&D engineer, AquaBattery

Project 3: Airborne Wind Energy in Schiermonnikoog, the Netherlands. Christy Hagen - Policy officer for Sustainability, Schiermonnikoog, Pepijn Marcus - System Performance Engineer, Kitepower, Kristian Petrick - Policy & Regulation, Airborne Wind Europe

Project 4: Biomass-hydrogen project in Porto-Santo, Portugal. Diogo Soares – CTO, Floating particle

Project 5: Geothermal energy in Faroe, Azores and the Canary Islands. Philippe Dumas - Secretary General, European Geothermal Energy Council


Session ACT

Technology session: technologies for clean energy transition on the islands

Moderation: João Peças Lopes - Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, Director/Member of the board at INESC TEC

Carlos Moreira - Senior Researcher / Centre for Power and Energy Systems, INESC TEC & FEUP - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (click here for the slides)

Eckard Quitmann - Head of Grid Integration dept., Enercon (click here for the slides)

Alberto Jorge Bernardo - Director - Smart Power Business Development, Efacec Energia (click here for the slides)

Maria Jaen Caparros - Hydrogen Innovation Coordinator, ENAGAS

Gabriele Rampinelli - Partner, Exowave Aps


Wrap-up & Reporting back from the workshops

Moderation: Marina Montero Carrero – Technical lead, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E)

Simon De Clercq - Coordinator, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (3E)

Carlos Moreira - Senior Researcher / Centre for Power and Energy Systems, INESC TEC & FEUP - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto

Lucija Rakocevic – Legal and regulatory lead, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat (Th!nk E)