Webinar: Renewable energy project development - challenges and good practices

Published on 03.01.2020
Image: Pixabay (FirmBee)

The development of renewable energy projects has become attractive to a variety of actors - from energy consumers to local authorities and private companies - who recognize the social, economic and environmental potential of renewable energy. Whether there is an ambition for projects large or small, and regardless of whether these actors will ultimately finance and build the project themselves, each will find it necessary to take on the role of project developer during the early stages of project development.

To support the shift from planning to effective implementation of renewable energy projects on EU islands, in this webinar we will focus on the phases of the development of bankable renewable energy projects, discussing the key obstacles and associated technical challenges, as well as good practices to evaluate and mitigate these risks.


  • Johan Kiewiet, Ameland Energie Cooperatie
  • Eduard Escola i Capdevila & Rafael Muñoz Campos, Consortium of Waste and Energy of Menorca
  • Andrea Appel, ABO Wind


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