Financing Corner

Welcome to the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat's financing corner! On this page, you can dive into a number of resources to learn about financing clean energy projects of different forms and sizes on islands. Don't miss out on the live examples from a number of EU islands to learn from their experiences directly!


What are you looking to finance?

Energy Transition Strategy /
Decarbonisation Plan
Project Development Project Implementation


The Islands Marketplace

The aim of the Islands Marketplace is to bring island communities, project developers, technology providers, investors and financiers together to support the implementation of clean energy projects in islands. The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat will facilitate the matchmaking of the interested parties.

How to engage with the Islands Marketplace:

Island stakeholders are invited to submit their investment projects. The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat marketplace team will then support islands to get in contact with financial institutions and technology providers to discuss the technology and financing of the project.

Fill out this intake form and send it to

Please note that for a project be considered in the EU Islands Marketplace, island stakeholders/ project developers have to provide as much information as possible, in a way that it is clearly understandable and analysable by the secretariat team, as well as by the investors and technology providers. The type of information required is the following:

  • Project description (details of your project, relevant background, expected timeline, type of technology, maturity level, etc.)

  • Expected impacts (renewable energy production/energy savings, avoided emissions, jobs creation, etc.)

  • Financial aspects (investment type, business model, CAPEX, payback time, internal rate of return, etc.)

Please keep in mind that our matchmaking service does not provide any funding support. The technical support is limited to guidance on how to improve your project’s content. Projects selected will be showcased and, when feasible, matched with investors and technology providers.


Why is this for you?

Through the EU Islands Marketplace:

  • Island’s stakeholders have the possibility develop their projects by connecting with leading clean energy technology providers and front-runners ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investors;

  • Investors have the opportunity to increase their pipeline of potential investments;

  • Technology providers have the opportunity to increase their client list through potential sales of technological solutions.





NESOI launches open call for islands

NESOI is happy to announce its second open call for proposals next 29th October 2021. This is just around the corner, so there are a series of webinars where you will be able to learn all the details and requirements of this call.

Download the NESOI "Guide For Applicants*" which includes useful information for building a successful application! 


EU Green Deal funding

The European Green Deal is a strategy tool for achieving carbon neutrality and fighting climate change in the EU. The aim of the Green Deal is to turn climate challenges into an opportunity, and to support the energy transition all over Europe. 

Organizations working in the field of climate change, environment and energy can follow the Green Deal action plan and adapt their strategies to the Territorial Just Transition Plans, which will be produced by each EU country through the Just Transition Mechanism



Just Transition Platform

The Just Transition Platform aims to assist EU countries and regions to unlock the support available through the Just Transition Mechanism - financial support and technical assistance which will mobilise at least €100 billion over the period 2021-2027 in the most affected regions.

This platform will provide a single access point for support and knowledge related to the just transition including funding opportunities, relevant regulatory updates and sector specific initiatives.



NESOI - EU Islands Facility

NESOI is a Horizon2020 project aiming to financially support the development of 60 clean energy projects on EU islands by 2023. The project finances technical assistance (not project implementation) to local authorities, with up to 60 000 EUR per grant. It further provides capacity-building and fund matching support.

Read more

EU City Facility

The EU Cities Facility aims to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across cities in the EU, by providing targeted financial, technical, legal and capacity-building support in order to help cities develop credible investment packages and mobilise finance.

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Covenant of Mayors Financing Database

This interactive funding guide gathers information on the funding initiatives managed by the European Union, the Member States and key financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank. Next to these, the guide includes information about support services and innovative financing schemes.

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Financing-related capacity-building

There are many resources and organisations to help island communities to build their skills and capacity for driving their own energy transition. This section contains useful links and resources related to capacity-building.

Read more



Island examples


Financing smart grids & electric
mobility (Madeira, Portugal)



Community wind turbines
(Aero, Denmark)


Roman Klementschitz, Wien

Combining solar PV, storage
& agriculture (Unije, Croatia)



A community-owned off-grid
island (Eigg, UK)

Pixabay (Annika Ruohonen)

Energy efficiency in the South
Aegean Region (Greece)

Has your island financed a
clean energy project? Contact
us to put it on the map!