
Published on 11.09.2020
The programme will focus on creating stronger links between the EU institutions and the local actions on the island. Representatives from different institutions will introduce their role in creating the enabling framework for the decarbonisation of EU islands, and island communities will present and discuss their activities with peers and EU representatives. 
Published on 09.09.2020

As current travel and meeting restrictions due to COVID19 make it impossible to organize in-person visits to EU islands for this Forum, the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat would like to provide islands with an opportunity to introduce their clean energy projects and their islands to the EU community online.

For this purpose, we invite EU island communities to share their transition activities through a short video. 

Published on 09.09.2020

The third day of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Online Forum will include the possibility to combine transition activities on the islands with the activities of the online forum. The local transition days are an opportunity for island transition teams to meet within their own community and take time to advance on a specific aspect of their transition process they need to work on.

Islands are invited to prepare their events for the 28 October in the morning (Central European Timezone). 

Published on 26.08.2020
Clean Energy for EU Islands has produced an update of the Islands Transition Handbook, as well as a summary for policy-makers. The Handbook is an action-oriented guide to start and help navigate the transition towards clean energy for your island.
Published on 30.07.2020
The CULATRA2030 transition team takes the first steps in its environmental sustainability and energy transition with the project “Decarbonisation of Aquaculture Activity”, which equip the fishing sheds with solar panels, install a solar boat charging station at the fishing harbour and equip the Association and two residents with solar boats.