Organise your own local transition day

Published on 09.09.2020

The third day of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Online Forum will include the possibility to combine transition activities on the islands with the activities of the online forum. The local transition days are an opportunity for island transition teams to meet within their own community and take time to advance on a specific aspect of their transition process they need to work on.

Islands are invited to prepare their events for the 28 October in the morning (Central European Timezone). 

The Local Transition Days will allow for physical activities and meetings in the island communities, respecting national Corona restrictions and minimizing international travel. In the afternoon of 28 October, the participating island communities will share and reflect on the outcomes and questions from their local/national activities. This will be done online as part of a panel, where online attendees can provide questions and inspiration to what is presented from the different island activities.

How to register a local transition day